Sunday, 1 January 2023

Possessing Your Posessions

Jan 2023
And as we have borne the image of the man of dust,
we shall also bear the image of the heavenly 
Man. (1 Cor 15;49)

The House of Jacob shall possess their possessions (Obadiah17)
And when Joshua had let the people go, the children of Israel went every man unto his inheritance to possess the land (Judges 2;6)

Through sin and unbelief we can miss our finest day. Many souls are greatly impoverished because they do not comprehend or even believe that the Good Lord wants them to inherit the treasures of life. Neither Gods word nor Gods world is bankrupt God has an ever increasing abundance of all things spiritual and physical at his disposal and ready for our enjoyment

The Believers life is not just a renunciation but it is also an acquisition. An acquiring of all good things in Christ Jesus and from Christ the Lord. There are plenty of nobodies in this world and millions of beggars. the business of life is to discover what's yours from Christ, too many live the impoverished life when they should be living the blessed life, the abundant life the more than enough life. your talents are not luxuries they are tools, your gifts are not yours to keep but yours to give away.

Do not be satisfied with past achievement, now rise up and invest what you know and what you own into the lives of others. 

The Prodical Son, when he returned to his Fathers house was satisfied to serve in the kitchen, we forget that his fathers desire was for him to own the kitchen. Let's not measure our wealth by the culture or the community around us, your wealth, only Christ can measure. The Father wanted him to wear the best robe not the kitchen robe, so many want to sit aside and let others dine at the table. the same is true of preachers in our land who are content in their calling yet fail to see that the Lord has called them to be possessors of land and buildings. pastors of movements and revivals. teachers of awakenings and shakings not just Wednesday night bible class. Some even think its their duty to be poor and look holy. The puritans Fathers in New England were nearly starved to death the first winter yes even with all America behind them they were in the land of more than enough yet did not possess it.

Don't be ashamed of going for the Big Thing God himself has assigned to you. Our Big world needs big people with big hearts, big faith and big vision to tackle life in our big society. Doing big things is not a sin, but doing small things when God has called us to Big things most certainly is. God is big enough are you?

This coming year we must have the vision of God and the wealth of God too. Its not a sin to have much but it is a failure on our part to live with little when God has provided so much for us. to do the greater works we have to have a healthy outlook on Gods provision, we have to see wealth as God sees it, we have to realise that poverty is a killer. No Man can preach the gospel to the world with nothing, no one is blessed when we are broke. God owns is all and of he owns it all and we call him holy then surely we can own a bit of it and be called righteous too.

Let's see our role and ministry as God sees it, he is bigger than our comprehension of scripture, our faith is far bigger than our understanding of things. Our religion in far wider than our denominational boundaries. There is nothing too great you can attempt. God is big enough, are you!


Happy 2023


Possessing Your Posessions

IMAGE BEARERS Jan 2023 NEWSLETTER  of PAUL B THOMAS And as we have borne the image of the  man  of dust, we shall also bear the image of the...