Revival Pulpit
A Newsletter of Paul B Thomas
Remember the fire must be burning on the altar and it must never go out
“My fire shall not go out” (Lev 6:12,13).
And of Zion it shall be said, This and that man was born in her: and the highest himself shall establish her (Ps 87:5)
I like how God points to a man.
Men in todays era don’t know they are men.
They don’t know their identity
They think they are but a number
But God calls man, a man!
This man and that man!
The new birth gives a man an identity, sure we all like to identify ourselves and are indeed asked to identify ourselves by the date of our birth or the name of the place of our birth. They ask us this to help prove our identity.
I was born in Hartley, England. I have no connection to it, there than the fact I was born there. I’m told it is a cute and quaint place. I don’t know much about it I was placed into an orphanage and there i stayed for a couple of weeks until I was adopted by a welsh could who had waited unknowingly for over three years for a son. They had told the people at the orphanage that it had to be a son. O divine provision! talk about a reason to be born. I had no reason to be born but i was assigned to be adopted.
You may have told a friend about your son or daughter stating, "this one" was born in such and such a place, this one was born in that city. this one was born in that city. But my real testimony today is one of being born in Zion. God thought so much of you that he wanted you to himself. he as your heavenly father wanted one born in Zion a specific place, theres a reason for that, you had to be born here and not there because Zion is a royal place. It is gives a man certain rights as a heavenly citizen.
In Zion “men” are born, Only in Zion can men, fully grown men and women be born. Just like your heavenly father born king. no man is born king but this man!
God knows the reason why you were born here and not there in this city and not that city. O some of you wish you were born in America. others in Australia, but God said I’ll make your city like heaven called Zion, and while all men are born of flesh somewhere, only in Zion can "men" be born of God. With God’s blood and God’s DNA in them.
You may be born in a church house but that means nothing unless you are born of his spirit in Zion's house. For Zion is where young and old get born, where rich and poor men get born, where grandfathers and grandsons get born at the same time, where the celebrated and the hated get born.
Only in Zion can an old man become a child again.
Only in Zion can a prisoner become a free man again.
Only in Zion can a heroin addict become a clean man again.
Only in Zion can rich men dance with poor men. In all other institutions you have to reach a membership criteria that keeps some men in and keeps other men out only in Zion can black men and white men worship together around the same altar and seeking the same God. Singing the same song and reading the same book, praying at the same altar and singing the same song. Speaking in the same tongue, born of the same heavenly father, sharing the same name.
Names divide us especially at birth but not this name. the name of Jesus unites us. Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
The prophet said that all nations would flow to Zion (Isaiah 2:1-4) I don’t want to build a church that does not have what Zion has. There's no place on earth like Zion.
My story, this one was born in Zion.
I was glad that I was born in Zion.
I got to choose where I was born. no other birthing gives a man that option. In fact no other bible book or belief gives a man that option. all men have to die in the state they are born. But this man! This man, I get to choose where I was born.
Secondly, No other man gets to remember how he was born but this man. this man remembers that day. the day my burdens role away and my night was turned to day. What a day t remember. It’s mad that no man remembers the day we were born we were not conscious of it the day we came forth from our mothers womb but this day.
I don’t know about you but Im looking forward to telling somebody who asks me where my new son or daughter was born, I’m looking forward to telling them, "this one was born in Zion today!"
What is this new birth?
It was Peter’s experience and Paul’s too. We share the same story and same glory. Our upbringing is similar. no wonder whats in them is in me and whats in then is in you. The same God and the same gospel, the same testimony. “Born of water and spirit” as Jesus said (John 3;5) It is the same birth for Jew and gentile, no different. No matter what colour or education level you are, the rules are the same and so is the testimony.
Except a man be born of water and spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of heaven (John 3;5).
It is for the “whosoever” it is no different for you the it is for me. All have sinned and come short of God’s glory (Romans 10;9) All can be washed and born anew of God’s spirit. That’s the good news we can have the same spirit as Christ himself.
This birth gives a reason for our existence. Men come into this human world not knowing what they they born some cursing the day they were born others ignorant on the reason for their birth they lack purpose and direction. It’s hard to believe that a man can be born thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, years and more and never know the reason for his existence. How sad it is to miss the reason why you were born. but this man can declare like his father declared “for this reason was I born” For this reason came I into the world. when a man is born again he is given a reason as to why he chooses to give his life to Christ. he has come to the realisation that without Christ he is nobody. But in Christ, he is the called the separated, the redeemed the chosen. HE IS BORN FOR A PURPOSE. and knows it no other man can know it like you know it. what a man what a day what an event.
All other men are born blind. The man at the pool of SIloam was born blind. Jesus touched his eyes and told him to wash at the pool called Siloam. why Siloam? Solemn means “sent” The new man knows his reason for being born, he is one that is born to preach the gospel to all men and all tongues in all nations. Follow me said Jesus and i will make you fishers of men. he is a sent one and known it. smoother man knows his purpose as God’s man.
but This man, born of water and spirit he has washed in God’s pool and been cleaned by God’s blood, possessed by God’s spirit, called by God’s name. Made whole by God’s grace. Born into God’s family.
Until he washes at the rivers of pentecost he is blind, he still has mud on his eyes, the clay nature the unregenerate nature still rules, he is a mud man. Coming from mud and going back to it. But thank the Lord he is no longer mud but spirit re-created in his fathers image, a man!
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